What type of health precautions should I take?

  1. Most travelers usually update their tetanus and hepatitis shots before traveling to any remote region of the world.
  2. Staph Infection can be a reality with any reef cuts in the tropics. We recommend bringing a dose of antibiotics from your doctor, in case a reef cut starts to develop signs of infection.  Consult your doctor for a prescription if you are concerned or especially if you are allergic to typical types of oral antibiotics.
  3. Malaria is not a big problem in Marshall’s as there really aren’t bugs on the island. Consult your doctor if you are concerned.
  4. If you take a prescription medication make sure you bring the necessary paperwork that goes with it in case of an emergency.
  5. If you are prone to seasickness please bring something to counteract its effects such as dramamine or bonine.
  6. For more information please consult your doctor.

Should I be concerned about Malaria?

It is a matter of personal choice whether to take anti- malarial medication. Bugs are not really a problem in the Marshall Islands… you can sleep on the beach and wake up without a single bite.